UTM is an Open Source Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance software. This document is both an User Manual and a Guide to the configuration of the various part of the UTM’s web interface and its functionalities.
The latest updates and corrections to this manual, referred to the latest release of the UTM, will be available online at
This reference manual is 2011-2023, Endian S.r.l. and corresponds to revision 2 of the online version.
Legal notice¶
The UTM Reference Manual 6.5 (“this document”) is 2011-2023, Endian S.r.l.. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the GNU Free Documentation License.
This document has been edited and written by Stefano David with the help of the other Endian Team members, building on the previous 2.4 version written by (in alphabetical order) Andreas Ender, Diego Gagliardo, Luca Giovenzana, Christian Graffer, Raphael Lechner, Chris Mair, Raphael Vallazza, and Peter Warasin. Some parts of the 2.4 documentation were based on the IPCop Administrative Guide by Chris Clancey, Harry Goldschmitt, John Kastner, Eric Oberlander, Peter Walker and on the IPCop Advanced Proxy Administrative Guide by Marco Sondermann.
The information contained within this document may change from one version to the next and may also change over time without notice to improve the content, to correct any error or mistake, or to describe new or changed features. The date of the last update is always present at the bottom of every page.
All programs and details contained within this document have been created to the best of our knowledge and tested carefully. However, errors cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore Endian does not express or imply any guarantees for errors within this document or a consequent damage arising from the availability, performance, or use of this or related material.
Endian and the Endian logo are trademarks of Endian S.r.l., Italy.
The use of names in general use, names of firms, trade names, etc. in this document, even without special notation, does not imply that such names can be considered as free in terms of trademark legislation and that they can be used by anyone. All trade names are used without a guarantee of free usage and might be registered trademarks. As a general rule, Endian adheres to the notation of the manufacturer. Other products mentioned here could be trademarks owned by the respective manufacturer.
Without the great work of the Smoothwall and then of the IPCop team, neither UTM nor this document would exist. Therefore we would like to thank them all for their hard work.
Thanks to Sourceforge for the hosting. Without Sourceforge we would not have the possibility to gain such a huge worldwide visibility. You are really helping us very much!
Endian web sites¶
For more information about Endian S.r.l., Italy and its products, please visit Endian web site at
Many resources (tutorials, how-tos, examples) in this manual are taken from those web sites: The new support center for the Endian products, that should become the reference site to support customers and users. Several links to howtos on this site are provided on this documentation at the end of the various subsections. The old knowledge base of Endian, now discontinued. Its content, including configuration examples, has been incorporated either in the reference manual on in the site. Endian’s bug tracker, the place in which to search for existing bugs and their resolution or workarounds and to report new issues. It replaces the older bug tracker located at, which is still accessible and in which to find tips and workaround for issues found in older systems.
Additionally, several forums have been created on the Internet to provide help to the users of the Community Edition. These are not maintained from Endian, but nevertheless they represent a valuable resource for all UTM users, even for registered appliances. (
Italiano, Italian) (
Deutsch, German) (
English) (
Portuguese) (
Only active forums are listed here, while forums that are outdated, not maintained, or not existent anymore are removed.
An updated list with all forums can be found on the Endian Website.
Finally, mailing lists with instruction for subscription can be found on the sourceforge page of the UTM project.