This section describes the Hotspot user interface, the one seen by the clients when they connect via wireless to the hotspot. The portal appearance and settings can be customised by the hotspot administrator under
With the introduction of the Hotspot Social Login before users of mobile devices are allowed to connect to the Internet using e-mail clients or other apps, they are required to connect to the hotspot and authenticate therein.
Before being able to surf the Internet, a user is required to access and log in to the hotspot. For this purpose, no software installation is necessary, since it suffices to run a browser and try to open any web page: The browser will be redirect to the hotspot’s portal in which the user can login, register a new hotspot account or directly login and surf the Internet. The hotspot can serve to the client different type of portals, hence the client will see, depending on the device used, the portal for mobile devices, the one for browsers without JavaScript, or a generic one for all other types of device.
Since version 2.5, the user is not required to authenticate, if the hotspot is configured in user-less mode.
The login page is composed of two sections: On the left it is possible to choose the language of the interface from a drop-down menu and read an informative message. The section on the right is the login form, in which the user can proceed to login, register a new account, or buy a new ticket.
There are two versions for the login form: One for guest access, and one for registered user access. The former only works when ASA is running on the hotspot and encompasses the following options:
The login form for the registered users shows the following options.
Click on this button to use the credentials of an existing Google account to access the hotspot. A pop up window will appear, in which to insert username and password and carry out the authentication.
New in version 3.0.5-YYYYMM.
Click on this button to use the credentials of an existing Facebook account to access the hotspot. A pop up window will appear, in which to insert username and password and carry out the authentication
New in version 3.0.5-YYYYMM.
The use of Google and Facebook account’s credentials can be configured in the Hotspot Social Login under .
When the hotspot is configured to accept the Terms of Service, after clicking on the Login button on either case, a window will open, with one button on the window’s underside:
Upon clicking on the new Register new account button, a four steps wizard will open, in which to set up and activate a new hotspot account. In the first step the user account is created, for whose successful creation the following mandatory data are required:
It is also necessary to tick the checkbox next to the I accept the terms of service link for the account to be created. Clicking on the link will open a window with the terms of service, that can be read before accepting.
When all the data have been supplied, a click on the Register button on the bottom right of the form will lead to the second step. After registering, a SMS with the username and password will be sent, that will authorise the login to the hotspot.
In step two a ticket can be selected from a drop-down menu that will be associated to the account, and will grant the use of the hotspot to access the Internet. Depending on the hotspot setup, the choice can be only among free tickets or also among prepaid or postpaid tickets. For each available ticket, its name, duration, and cost are displayed. For this option to work, SmartConnect™ must be activated on the hotspot, and payments via PayPal should be set up.
After the selection of a ticket, click on the Continue button to proceed to step three.
While there is no limit in the purchase of prepaid and postpaid tickets, it is not allowed to have time-based and traffic-based ticket at the same time. In other words, a client possessing one or more valid time-based ticket, cannot buy any traffic-based ticket until all the valid time-based tickets associated with the account have been consumed or expired. The same applies to traffic-based tickets: All of them must be used or expired before being allowed to purchase a time-based ticket.
In step three, choosing a ticket which requires payment, will redirect to the PayPal website where to provide the necessary data for the transaction and complete the purchase of the ticket using a credit card or an own PayPal account. Otherwise, if a free ticket has been selected, this step will be simply skipped and the process continues to step four.
In step four appears a message that informs of the successful registration or, if some part of the registration process were not successful, an error message will be displayed. In any case, also the transaction ID string will be reported. The transaction ID should be written down for future references or used in case of any problem has arisen during the registration process or if some issue will happen during the connection. In the former case, quickly contact an hotspot administrator to complete the registration and obtain the login credentials.
When logging in after providing username and password, an informative panel on the page will display various details about the connection status. This page must remain open: If closed, the session will be immediately ended and a new log in to access the hotspot must be made. The following information are shown on the page:
When the checkbox is ticked, the user will need to authenticate upon reconnection, regardless of the Smartlogin settings. Otherwise, when the checkbox is not ticked, there is no need for the user to authenticate upon reconnecting to the hotspot.
This option only appears if the SmartLogin functionality has been enabled by the Hotspot administrator.
On the bottom of the panel two buttons appear.
Before accessing the hotspot and the Internet, the user must own a valid ticket. The procedure to purchase a ticket is the same as the one described in step two and step three of the registration process.