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This document is both a User Manual and a Guide to the configuration of the various part of the Endian Hotspot Appliance web interface and its functionalities.

The latest updates and corrections to this manual, referred to the latest release of the Endian Hotspot Appliance, will be available online at http://docs.endian.com/3.2/hotspot/.

This reference manual is Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Endian S.r.l., Italy and corresponds to revision 3.2 of the online version.

Endian web sites

For more information about Endian S.r.l., Italy and its products, please visit Endian web site at http://www.endian.com/.

Many resources (tutorials, how-tos, examples) in this manual are taken from those web sites:

  • http://help.endian.com/ The new support center for the Endian products, that should become the reference site to support customers and users. Several links to howtos on this site are provided on this documentation at the end of the various subsections.
  • http://jira.endian.com/ Endian’s bug tracker, the place in which to search for existing bugs and their resolution or workarounds and to report new issues. It replaces the older bug tracker located at, http://bugs.endian.com/ which is still accessible and in which to find tips and workaround for issues found in older systems.