Hotspot User utm

This section presents a list of the hotspot’s (super)users, i.e., those who can perform different administrative tasks and are divided into two groups: A Hotspot Administrator can fully manage the hotspot interface but cannot access the Endian UTM Appliance Main Menu, while a Hotspot Account Editor is allowed to only edit and enable or disable hotspot user accounts, by providing an existing username. Hence, an administrator has also the abilities of an Account Editor, but not vice-versa.

In this page, there is a list of users that shows their name, the group they belong to, and the actions available on the accounts. There is a defult, protected administrator account, “hotspot”, that can never be deleted. Available actions are to edit and to delete the user account: Deleting it will erase the user from the list, while edit will open the user editor (see below). When editing the hotspot user, only its password can be changed, but neither its name nor its group can be modified.

An Administrator has access to the page https://GREENIP:10443/admin/ and all the sections contained in it, which have been described in the whole Hotspot section of this guide. On the contrary, an Account Editor is granted access to the limited information editor page located at https://GREENIP:10443/admin/infoedit/, which is a simple web interface. Here, the Account Editor can insert an existing username, whose associated account information can be modified.

To add a user, simply click on the Add user link above the list. The User editor box will open, in which all the data necessary to the creation of a new user can be entered:

The username of the new account.
The group to which the new user belongs to. The drop-down menu allows to choose between the two available groups, Hotspot Account editor and Hotspot Administrator.
Password, Password (confirm)
The password for the user that must be inserted twice as confirmation,

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